How to Create Peaceful Living Spaces

By March 30, 2020 June 29th, 2020 Custom Home Design, Custom Homes, Remodeling

While COVID-19 has us cloistered in our homes, we realize more than ever the value of a space that inspires feelings of peace, safety, and calmness. When our home is designed and decorated mindfully, we can relax more easily, and be more productive and focused.

Here are some tips for creating a peaceful home, according to home design expertise, feng shui principles, and color theory.

Declutter, organize, and be tidy.
This is always the first step. If your space is unorganized, then your thinking is likely to be unorganized, which causes stress. Decluttering takes time, but it’s worth it. Start small by clearing surfaces, and approaching one area at a time, such as one closet or desk area. You will immediately feel the sense of relief and accomplishment that comes with having an organized space.

Use color strategically
If you want a room to be a place of peace, the colors in your decorating palette should be primarily a; neutral toned, and b; light. Neutral colors include greens, browns, blues, and grays. Though contrast between dark and light shades is visually appealing, keep the lighter color dominant in your decorating (for example having light beige walls, but dark wood accents on the furniture). Color is a major determinant of mood, so this is an important step. [Note: For our purposes here, we’re talking about color for spaces you want to be serene, but we also realize there are many positive emotions that are not exactly serene. For example, if you have a rec room or bar area for gatherings, you might opt for bolder colors to evoke energy and fun].

Separate work spaces
Both feng shui principles and Western psychology warn against working in your bedroom. In fact, your workspace should be separate from anywhere you expect to rest and recharge. That’s not to say your work area shouldn’t contain relaxing design elements and be free of clutter. We focus better when we are calm. That being said, if you’re habitually taking your laptop to bed and responding to emails, or your work desk is in your bedroom, it’s likely that you’ll have less restful sleep. Keep your laptop and your work desk out of your bedroom!

Liven things up
Indoor plants are one of the easiest ways to create feelings of well-being in our homes. The benefits of indoor plants are numerous: they’re known to enhance mood, productivity, concentration and creativity. In addition to these psychological effects, living plants reduce sore throats and colds and clean the air through natural processes. Of course, if you have a black thumb, even fake plants can reduce stress simply by being green and reminding us of the outdoors on a subconscious level.

Keep your nose clean
When we’re curating our spaces, we tend to focus on visual elements. But humans have other senses, and being mindful of those senses can be very powerful when we’re trying to create soothing spaces. Our sense of smell is especially important to our mood–we actually process smells differently than information taken in through our other senses. Smells trigger emotions before we process them consciously because they are dispatched right to the center of our brain.

Aromatherapy suggests that smells of lavender and jasmine have soothing and calming effects, while lemon boosts energy levels. Try a diffuser or candle with these scents in spaces where you want to create a peaceful mood, but also feel free to experiment with what scents work for you; smells trigger feelings and memories unique to each person.

Mind the soundscape
As with smell, auditory cues can deeply affect our moods. Though absolute silence may be the most relaxing thing for some of us, many people are more relaxed with some sort of ambient noise, and for those of us living with others, absolute silence may not always be possible.

The go-to sound for many of us is music or a movie or show playing quietly in the background. But for rooms where you want a deeper sense of relaxation, consider a tabletop fountain for the sound of trickling water. There are also a number of free apps for your phone that offer varying ambient sounds from singing birds and rustling trees to ocean waves. As with smell, sound is a part of our home’s atmosphere that can be experimented with and adjusted to taste–the key is to be aware of these elements as we shape our rooms into places of comfort.

These tips should have you well on your way to the most peaceful home possible! Of course, we know that not everyone can easily achieve a zen-like home filled with gentle sounds and free of clutter, but you can apply these tips to even a corner of your house, you may find the respite you’ve been searching for. And of course, if larger design concerns are inhibiting your quest for a tranquil home (not enough space, not enough storage, limited natural light, etc.) then we are here to help you achieve those goals; visit us at  In the meantime, we at Hamilton Homes wish you comfort and safety.