How to Create a Custom Home Floor Plan Marie Kondo Would Love

By May 23, 2019 June 12th, 2020 Custom Home Design, Custom Homes

Whether you’re a die-hard Marie Kondo fan, or you’re someone who has learned all you need to know from what your friends have shared on social media, it’s time to apply that newly acquired knowledge to your custom home plan. According to Marie Kondo’s KonMari method, the act of tidying up your belongings helps you to discover which items “spark joy.”

So how can a floor plan help you achieve a lifestyle that allows you to stay organized and surround yourself with items that spark joy? We’re about to fill you in on our top tips to help you create a custom plan that even Marie Kondo would approve of.

Say “No” to Wasted Spaces

Avoid wasted spaces by making the most out of every square foot of your home. The best way to approach this is to think of where your family will spend the most time. For example, if you expect to hang out in the living room and kitchen the most, then plan for more square footage in these areas and less square footage in a guest room that might not get as much attention. Avoid redundant spaces too. In other words, why include a formal sitting room when you have a living room to gather in?

Make the most out of your floor plan by focusing on your family’s needs. Just because a traditional floor plan has a certain room included, doesn’t mean your home needs that room too.

Organize Like a Pro

Instead of planning all the furniture you’ll have in your home to help you get organized, incorporate storage into your floor plan.

  • Built-in bookcases are not only stunning, amplifying a blank wall, but also help to maximize storage space in your living room.
  • Kitchen islands are functional, by providing additional prep space and also offer storage underneath for pots and pans or kitchen gadgets.
  • Expansive shelf unit around and over doorways allow you to store items that would have otherwise ended up on your coffee table or desk.

Including practical, built-in storage spaces throughout your house will help make tidying up second-nature.

Allow Natural Light to Flow In

Maximizing natural light in the home makes each room more comfortable, cozy, and inviting, allowing you to enjoy your time indoors. Therefore, as you plan your custom home, it’s important to determine how to increase the amount of natural light throughout. This also helps to open a space up. What was once a dark, closed off room can be instantly transformed into a bright, open space with large windows.

Bring Order and Tranquility to Your Home

Aligning your home and lifestyle with Marie Kondo’s principles will allow you to create an environment that is clean and simple, bringing about order and inspiration to your everyday life. If you’re ready to start planning your custom home floor plan that allows you to live a life that sparks joy, get in touch with Hamilton Homes or call 317-570-1331 to schedule a free consultation.