Custom Home Design Trends – Our Predictions for 2022

By January 1, 2021 March 26th, 2024 Custom Home Design, Custom Homes

Nature Takes Center Stage in Custom Home Design Trends

We’ve seen some fascinating custom home design trends in the past year. The ongoing effects of the virus and shifting priorities have influenced new home builders’ (and buyers’)  preferences. Interestingly, a lot of these trends point to a longing for a different and closer relationship with nature. So what kind of design trends will we be seeing in this new year? Here are our design trend predictions for 2022: 

Tailored work-from-home spaces

More home builders will be designing their custom homes with space designated to work. A home office is no longer an afterthought, as many of us have spent too many hours in home working spaces that were far from ideal (the image of a coworker huddled in a closet for Zoom call privacy is now burned into our collective consciousness). A highly functional workspace will be a priority for builders in the coming year, with homeowners opting for features like built-in cabinets, shelving and custom lighting. 

But the need for home offices will affect home design in a larger way: floor plans will change to reflect a greater balance between open common areas and private spaces that are tucked away. It might mean homes being built with a higher average number of rooms —  couples are opting for not just one office, but two distinct offices so both parties can work independently. 

A focus on sustainability and efficiency


Though architects and homebuilding engineers have been developing more sustainable building practices for quite a while, consumers have started to actively pursue features focused on conservation.  They are opting for homes built with  materials made with more renewable resources, and features that keep the cost and energy expenditure from their homes at a minimum. We expect to see the  inclusion of solar panels and high performance windows to be one of the big custom home design trends in 2022. Landscaping will tend toward working with native trees and grasses for water efficiency, and the aesthetic will leverage the beauty of the already existing natural environment.

The inside out…the outside in

The trend goes beyond bringing more of the outdoors in…rather, it’s about blurring the line between indoors and outdoors. Outdoor living rooms and kitchens that look like their indoor counterparts have been increasing in popularity, and we expect that trend to continue through the next year. 

Even if full outdoor rooms aren’t your bag, we’d encourage you not to ignore the outdoors in your design. Customize that space with the same care you do the indoors, and you’ll be glad you did! Not only do you get to better enjoy the outdoors, but an intentionally designed exterior will be attractive to a buyer if you ever choose to sell.

Curves and green

The theme of the influence of nature continues with some interior design trends we’ve been seeing. In keeping with this trend, softer lines and shades of green are being used more often. Curves and arches are on the rise in home interior architecture, and all three major producers of home paints (Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore, and Dutch Boy) have named a shade of green as color of the year. ​​Green evokes the natural environment, but our minds also associate green with calm, healing and optimism, according to color theory, so it’s not surprising that people are attracted to it after a year of stress and unknowns.  Green’s popularity  might also have to do with the fact that we still love our neutrals, but we’re ready for a dash of color and a warmer atmosphere.


We’re taking fun seriously

The importance of having a place to unwind has never been more obvious. For this reason, more and more homebuilders have been opting for spaces sanctioned for hobbies and relaxation. Game rooms, in-home theaters, and bar areas are all on the rise in popularity, and we think this upswing will continue even more dramatically in the next year. See our earlier blog for more details on how to design for this trend .



And there you have it. We don’t have a crystal ball, and who knows what changes might influence the built environment in the upcoming year? But from what we’re seen, you can count on the influence of nature, and the re-prioritization of balance.

Do these trends speak to you? Which ones would you buck? The beauty of a custom home is the ability to design it your way! Whether you choose to integrate popular options or go your own direction, 2022 is a great year to build a custom home exactly the way you’ve always envisioned it. Take the leap! We’re here when you’re ready. Send us a message!